Results of the “Meyirimdi bol” campaign

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the charity event “Meyirimdi bol” by the Qara studio and the Saby Foundation.

The total amount of funds raised as a result of the campaign amounted to 6,139,000 tenge, of which 4,089,000 tenge were raised from the sale of tickets to the concert, 1,700,000 - thanks to the auction, the lots of which included Galymzhan Moldanazar's ukulele and an exclusive Oyu brand record with a collection of Kazakhstani music, 350,000 tenge were donated by philanthropists via QR code.

100% of the proceeds will be directed by the Foundation to help young people without parental care from the Meyirim Center for Social Adaptation of Youth in the city of Aktobe.

We express our deep gratitude to the Qara studio and its general producer Erkebulan Kurishbaev, musician Galymzhan Moldanazar, blogger Alisher Elikbaev, director of the Qarangyda video Adilet Abish, as well as all the patrons, sponsors and friends of the Foundation who supported our fundraising project.

Thank you for your concern and involvement!

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