24.05.2024 Blog
What to do and how to be when you have to build not because of, but in spite of standards
For 22 years of continuous work Saby Charitable Foundation has built a large number of social facilities in different regions of Kazakhstan. These are general education schools, a children's home and a youth home, children's surgeries. The…
27.02.2024 Blog
Aselle Tasmagambetova on the problem of orphanhood in Kazakhstan
I will never forget the day when I first looked into the eyes of orphans. It was in the fall of 2001 in the Almaty orphanage. I go into the box with the newly admitted children. And what I see: two kids. One was jumping in the crib, the other was…
09.03.2023 Blog
Aselle Tasmagambetova to the finalists of the "Build Your Own Business" contest
“Here I am standing in front of you, looking at you - so young, ambitious and brave - and I think that among you there are no those who have broken under the pressure of society, parents who, for the most part, think linearly, from the series:…
30.11.2022 Blog
Participating means happy
The word happiness in Russian comes from the word part. We experience happiness in parts, moments, and charity is the best way to become involved in something greater than yourself. I made this discovery 20 years ago when I started my work as a…
14.06.2022 Blog
Aselle Tasmagambetova about the competition "Dombyra-Dastan"
The main goal of the "Dombyra-Dastan" competition is the wide popularization of seven different kui schools and opening the way for young talents.