You can make a donation to the Saby Foundation in your kaspi application:
Go to the "All Payments" section ➡️ "Charity" ➡️ ЧБФ Саби ➡️ Enter your number and donation amount
You can help the Fund using the bitdonate service follow the link
Using the service
on the phone number: +7 705 567 88 99
Bank details:
For money transfer in Tenge (KZT):
Non-Commercial Organization “Saby Charitable Foundation”
BIN 020 440 001 779
IIC KZ029470398993035655
Subsidiary Bank Center Credit, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Bank Center Credit BIN 981141000668
For money transfer in US Dollars (USD):
Beneficiary: Saby Chastniy Blagotvoritelniy Fond NO
Beneficiary Account: KZ518562203216372786
Beneficiary’s Bank: Bank Center Credit
Almaty, Kazakhstan, SWIFT - KCJBKZKX
For money transfer in Rubles (RUR):
Non- Commercial Organization “Saby Charitable Foundation”
BIN 020 440 001 779
IIC KZ628562203316372895
Bank Center Credit, Almaty, Kazakhstan
BIC 044525593
You can make a charity donation, transferring cash to the Fund’s cashier
by the address: Almaty, 250 Dostyk Avenue.
The Fund employee will issue all the accounting documents confirming receipt of the donation.