Professional Testing, Second Stage

Professional Testing, Second Stage The second stage of professional testing, which is held by Saby Charitable Foundation twice a year for school leavers from boarding schools of Almaty and Almaty region, was launched.

The question of profession choice is of a high priority for school leavers. It is insufficient to say: “I want to become…” It is important to define your inclinations and abilities in the chosen profession. Several years Saby Foundation helps to understand this complex process, organizing and financing professional testing, using special computer program developed in Lomonosov Moscow State University.

At least 70 people, who want to understand themselves better, gathered on the each stage. February stage is the final stage before school completion, this stage, as a rule, leads school leavers to the final decision about the choice of future activity.

New robotics classroom for Children's Day

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Education program
About the Saby Oqulary project

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Education program
Saby oqulary project

Dear friends, colleagues and partners of the Saby Foundation! We are pleased to announce that on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of our foundation, we are launching a project to promote children's literature in the…

Education program