Professional testing 2015

Professional testing 2015 The second February stage of professional testing of fosterlings of boarding schools of Almaty city has come to the close. The testing was held in Almaty branch of Saint Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
All participants received the reports with detail analysis of their testing according to which an expert of professional testing had a personal talk with every child giving valuable recommendations about occupational choice.
Computer professional testing, organized by Saby Foundation annually, has good results. As we have informed 70% of children, who had passed testing, enter chosen specialties selected by smart program successfully.

New robotics classroom for Children's Day

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Education program
About the Saby Oqulary project

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Education program
Saby oqulary project

Dear friends, colleagues and partners of the Saby Foundation! We are pleased to announce that on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of our foundation, we are launching a project to promote children's literature in the…

Education program