Welcoming remarks by the President of the "Saby" Foundation

Assel Imangalievna Tasmagambetova

This year our foundation celebrates its 10th anniversary. This is the important border and time for summarizing. When summarizing all executed work in several pages of the report I understand how seriously Saby Foundation has developed, having transformed from an idea into the significant institution with great projects, say the least of it, having social significance in our country. 

Unfortunately, during the years of transformations the word “charity” has been discredited itself to a greater degree and now sounds trivially and pompously. Analyzing our activity for the first decade I note with satisfaction that we never departed from the main meaning – creation of benefit. 

The keynote, if it can be said so, or motto of Saby Foundation is one wise person’s idea that charity does not bear noise and ovations, otherwise all acts of kindness and inward strivings lose their value and meaning. Non publicity and non announcement of our activity is explained by this fact. 

I persuade that help to a fellow-being can not be positioned as a superhuman quality. This shall be a norm in civilized society. 

Also I think that kind acts can not be estimated by the amount of spent sums. Sometimes sincere and soulful participation in someone’s fate is more important and worthful. 

We want to hope that some time charitable movement and culture of philanthropists in our country will move to a significant new level.

Saby Foundation, for its part, passing into the second decade will continue its work for the benefit of people who need it. 

I express my sincere gratitude to all our friends, philanthropists and each person who is not indifferent, all who were together with us during these years and without of whose support all performances would be impossible! 

Sincerely yours, 
Aselle Tasmagambetova

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