Education Project News

Education Project News One and a half months is left before the end of the school year and the preparation for the Unified National Testing in schools is well underway. With great responsibility for the upcoming certification the pupils from the sponsored orphanages, attending the UNT preparation courses from September, came up as well.

As in the past year, we have high expectations on these graduates. Successful testing will open them a way to prestigious Higher Educational Institutions in Almaty and will permit Saby Foundation to increase, thanks to savings, the admission of participants in the Educational Project 2012 which traditionally started on March 19.

We kindly remind all managers of sponsored child social institutions that the deadline for the submission of documents for obtaining Saby Foundation’s educational grants is April 19 and the applications forwarded after this date will not be considered.

New robotics classroom for Children's Day

In 2021, the Saby Foundation launched a project to organize Robotics Centers in the regions of Kazakhstan, within the framework of which a major overhaul and equipping of modern robotics classrooms in educational institutions of…

Education program
About the Saby Oqulary project

As part of its new project to promote children's literature in the Kazakh language "Saby oqulary", our foundation began cooperation with the well-known Almaty publishing house Steppe & World Publishing. It…

Education program
Saby oqulary project

Dear friends, colleagues and partners of the Saby Foundation! We are pleased to announce that on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of our foundation, we are launching a project to promote children's literature in the…

Education program