Aselle Tasmagambetova: construction of surgery in Semey completed

«In my opinion, one of the criteria for assessing the level of medical services is the availability of the effectives moothly running emergency care system.  Emergency surgery is the core of this system, which means that the ability to provide timely, high-quality surgical care in the field ensures the safety of patients' lives.

It will be observed,that in our country there is an urgent need for overhaul and equipping surgical emergency units with modern technological equipment, especially in the regions and cities, which hasno the regional status.

In Aktau, Uralsk, Pavlodar, Kostanay, there is one children's hospital, which serves not only the city, but also the nearest inhabited localities.  In Semey's only children's hospital, major repairs has been  carried out in 1972, and the equipment has not been updated since 1985.  Nevertheless, the doctors of the institution save the lives of children every day; only for the last year, they performed 1,400 emergency operations.

Saby Foundation has initiated the «Emergency Children's Surgery» project in 2018 to improve the quality of the medical services.  Following the Almaty city, where in May we have commissioned a new department of the pediatric emergency surgery, a branch is opened in the Semey city. To date, repair and construction work has been completed, the surgery is equipped with all the necessary, the most modern and technological equipment.  A medical gas distribution and removal system, laminar flow, which ensures sterile cleanliness of the rooms, laparoscopic equipment for minimally invasive operations, anesthesia-respiratory and mechanical ventilation apparatuses, electrocoagulators, defibrillators, resuscitation monitors, ultrasonography apparatus, ECG and EEG devices are installed here.  The pediatric bronchofibroscope, Ilizarov apparatus forehead binocular magnifiers, endoscopic stapling apparatuses, surgical instrument kits and other resuscitation, surgical and therapeutic equipment have beenpurchased.

The amount spent on two facilities amounted to 422 000 000 tenge.

Moreover, in February-March, on the basis of these newly opened surgical departments, we plan to conduct a series of training master classes from recognized experts in the field of pediatric surgery in Russia (Moscow) and Kazakhstan. During the week, experienced surgeons will share their professional experience and best practices on the use of the endoscopic equipment and minimally invasive operations.

I believe that all this will ultimately give a powerful leap in the development of professional personnel in the field and in improving the quality of the medical services!

In conclusion, I would like to say, that I do not agree with the opinion that in this way the fund exposes social problem areas that only the state should decide, that this is the prerogative of the authorities.  We are all part of the society, we are that very state, and the task of the funds is to single out socially significant problems and achieve sustainable systemic changes!”


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