Project initiators and implementers:
Non-Profit Organization Saby Private Charity Foundation, Comprehensive School-Gymnasium
No. 174 of Almaty city.
Purpose and objectives:
- Creation of conditions favoring personal development of the school-gymnasium No. 174 students employing the system of general and supplementary education
- Creation of conditions to encourage scientific, and creative abilities of the students
- Raising the rating of the school-gymnasium №174 among the schools of Almaty city
Implementation terms:
From 2017. Full-time project
Project description:
Getting education is a very responsible stage in a child's advancement to adult life. Therefore, the quality of an educational institution plays an important role. School-Gymnasium No. 174 provides the necessary facilities for study activities. Saby Foundation set an aim to maximally supplement comprehensive educational process in order not only to give knowledge in basic disciplines, but to boost students’ personal
development which in its turn, would serve an excellent basis for taking one's path in future.
The Foundation will be engaged in joint administrative-pedagogical activity with the school management, which includes development of projects and sub-projects aimed at innovative development of School-No.174 educational system which includes:
- professional testing of senior students
- getting the school graduates ready for entrance exams to higher educational institutions and
receiving educational grants
- training students in robotics and programming
- courses for in-depth study of mathematics
- language courses
- involvement in eco-movement
- management and development of self-government system and leadership
- other
Result expected:
These actions are likely to raise School-Gymnasium No. 174 rating among other schools and enhance competitiveness of its students compared with students from Almaty TOP-10 schools.
It is also expected that share of graduates entering higher educational institutions of the RK and foreign higher educational institutions would increase, based on educational grants.
All these in their turn would result in the school's attractiveness with respect to choosing the place of study for children.
- Advanced mathematics courses for 17 pupils of middle classes were organized;
- Computer science and robotics courses for high school studentswere organized;
- Lecture on "Environmental protection and separate waste collection" theme was conducted.