Visiting Nikita

Over the last eight years the “Saby” Foundation has been assisting Nikita Bazolev and his grandmother, who faced severe challenges. On pages of our web-site we have repeatedly written about difficulties that have befallen these people.

Each year, visiting a small but friendly family of Nikita Bazolev we are always surprised at their inexhaustible strength of spirit. During our regular visit Nikita was on a walk, and his grandmother, as always, was doing domestic cares. The realization of the fact that she is the last support for her grandson gives Lydia Alexandrovna energy: an old woman, who is well past eighty, is active as best she can in spite of severe hypertension, which constantly reminds of itself.

As in previous years, we have given to our mentees foodstuffs and a sum of money sufficient to purchase medicaments. This little help will allow Nikita and his grandmother not to feel an acute need at least for a time.

Report on targeted assistance 2023

We present to you the report of the Saby Foundation on targeted assistance provided in 2024. This year, the total amount of private donations received to the Foundation’s account from companies and individuals amounted…

Targeted assistance
Report on targeted assistance

Dear friends, we would like to share an interim report on the targeted assistance we have provided thanks to your support and concern. Every day we receive dozens of appeals from people in need and try to help within our…

Targeted assistance
Sabi Foundation, within the framework of its…

Sabi Foundation, within the framework of its medical project, purchased unique technological equipment - Exoroller - for the rehabilitation center “Umit Uyasy”, Turkestan city The main activity of the Center is…

Targeted assistance