There are No Obstacles for Creativity

There are No Obstacles for Creativity On Friday, June 15, the results of the Shynbergen Amanturlin Republic Contest of Folk Applied Arts Among Young People with Limited Capabilities, organized by Eldany Charitable Foundation, were summed up.

The commission was presented with crafts of clay, felt, paper, leather and beads, pictures performed in Batik technique, embroidery patterns and many other exhibits. The viewers were filled with admiration for the talent and zeal of the competitors.

Within ten months, from August to June, at exhibitions, fairs and city festivities Almaty dwellers and visitors of the southern capital could see beautiful works and appreciate unique talents of "distinctive” boys and girls. The voting was available on the website of where everyone had a chance to evaluate the article he liked.

The presentation of awards of the winners took place in solemn atmosphere of Rixos Hotel. Our Foundation which gives partner’s support to Eldany in the frame of the Project “Decent Life for Disabled People", could not leave this event without attention. The President of Saby established the prize fund in the amount of 140,000 tenge, which was equally shared among all the award winners.

This contest, which is held annually and has become traditional, helps young people with limited capabilities not only reveal their talents but find potential clients and investors as well.

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