The Good Cause Cannot be a Little One

The Good Cause Cannot be a Little One Dear friends, we said time and again "thank you" for all the charitable contributions that you transferred to the account of "Saby" Foundation by means of QIWI payment terminals.

Amount, seeming a small at first sight, in fact, can do great things. At this time, raised money from your donations help to give a targeted aid to the young native of Petropavlovsk, disabled person of group I, suffering from an incurable disease - multiple sclerosis.

To keep the muscles at work and not to take the seat into wheelchair once and for all, the guy needed daily physical activity. We bought for him special weight bench. The good news is the fact that the disease did not break the young man moral. He has literary talent, and even published a book of his poems and prose. For his creative work our Foundation presented the writer a laptop.

So you, my friends, by transferring for charitable uses 200, 500, 1000 tenge, changed life of the human and significantly improved it!

Remember, each tenge is important! After all, as the saying runs, "every little bit helps .."

Report on targeted assistance 2023

We present to you the report of the Saby Foundation on targeted assistance provided in 2024. This year, the total amount of private donations received to the Foundation’s account from companies and individuals amounted…

Targeted assistance
Report on targeted assistance

Dear friends, we would like to share an interim report on the targeted assistance we have provided thanks to your support and concern. Every day we receive dozens of appeals from people in need and try to help within our…

Targeted assistance
Sabi Foundation, within the framework of its…

Sabi Foundation, within the framework of its medical project, purchased unique technological equipment - Exoroller - for the rehabilitation center “Umit Uyasy”, Turkestan city The main activity of the Center is…

Targeted assistance