Подарок фонда кардиохирургическому центру

Фонд "Саби" сделал подарок открывшемуся кардиохирургическому центру в г. Таразе - многофункциональный ультразвуковой сканер MyLab 50 производства Esaote (Италия).

Широчайший спектр программ делает этот аппарат неоценимым инструментом во всех областях ультразвуковой диагностики. В комплекте идут специальные датчики, позволяющие врачам клиники точно отслеживать патологии сердца и сосудов.

Vacations in Milan

Recently 15 foster children from the regional orphanage №1 who had been awarded with the vacation package for the win in open football championship among foster children in Kazakhstan came back from Italy. Prior their trip…

Gifts of the Foundation
A Good Thing Can’t Be a Small Thing

Probable every one of us has repeatedly got into a situation when sorting out their clothes to find quite nice items you for some reason do not wear that much. You don’t simply throw such clothes away because you could still…

Gifts of the Foundation
Start with a Book and Violin - to the Adult Life

State Child Library Named after S. Begalin is the old friend of Saby Foundation. The whole activity of the library is targeted for the benefit of children, who visit homelike reference rooms and do not imagine their life…

Gifts of the Foundation