Healthy Children – Happy Families!

Healthy Children – Happy Families! "The House of Hope" in Almaty is a unique Social State Institution. The House accommodates both newborn and children under the age of seven (7) years old, generally from dysfunctional families the majority of which are represented by lone parents who are almost ready to abandon from their parental rights because of various circumstances: financial instability, disease, age, etc. To give these parents ones more to think on their future steps, to get on their feet and find a job - the House of Hope temporally accommodates and educates their children for the purposes of future reunion with their parents. The main target of this State Institution - to keep the family and return both healthy and educated child to his/her parent, to reduce the number of abandoned children as well.

Though all the personnel are treating children with due care and love, the “House of Hope" is a closed institution and those children living there are still limited in entertainment, playing and sports facilities – as a result they have to use and play those games and toys they have inside the House. So it is very important for us to provide children with everything they need for their mental and physical development. And one of those 9 groups existing in the House of Hope has no outdoor playground where children could physically train to be healthy and strong.

Having weighted all the pros and contras, the “Saby” Charitable Foundation decided to construct such a playground for this Group. Thanks to the financial assistance of our sponsor – LLP “AlmatyGasEngineering” - we could put into commission a new playground “Ksil” for those children by the 1st September. In addition, we also reequipped the existing sports ground for all the children living in the House of Hope.

Be strong and healthy, our little friends!


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