2d Stage of Professional Testing, 2012-2013
The second stage of professional testing, organized by our Foundation twice a year every academical year, ended. The testing is held for foster children of Almaty boarding schools, for pupils of 9 and 11 forms. 70 people, who took part the February stage, waited for it with a great impatience. We asked children to share their impressions.
Rakhmet Nurken from Boarding School No. 1 said the following: ‘I replied the questions of the Proforientator Program with pleasure, because they are not repeated, but become more various and interesting and make you think of a chosen profession once more. According to the results of the professional testing it is turned out that I have more inclinations to technical professions and I absolutely agree with this. In spring I will graduate school and now I know what profession I will chose, I will enter Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications to the specialty of Wireman’.
Bekbatyrova Indira from the Regional Boarding School also expressed her opinion: ‘On the second stage I liked the variety of logical, scientific and creative questions. Testing continued a little longer than the last time and I had to bother my head about answers. I am very glad that the achieved results are fully correspond to my will of choosing the profession of Manager of Hotel Industry. I think I will enter Almaty State University’.
Having listened the opinions of participants we make sure how significant the serious and competent approach to one of the most difficult questions in life establishing – definition of the future profession. Unfortunately, you can very often meet a grown-up person, who did not find himself/herself and now regrets about his/her choice and lost time.
To avoid this problem our Saby Foundation holds computer testing on the base of Almaty Branch of Professional Orientation Department of The Moscow State University named after Lomonosov for the fourth year.
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