The Way to Win Grants Is Easier Jointly With Saby Foundation

The Way to Win Grants Is Easier Jointly With Saby Foundation  Yay! The period of examinations for school leavers, who attended preparatory courses to CNT organized by our Foundation, has been completed. We waited for the results of testing together with them and now we are happy to notice that almost all our mentee school leavers got passing grade. It is gladly to realize that 8 months of preparatory work during which fosterlings of several Almaty children’s homes and boarding schools attended educational courses were not ineffective. Some school leavers have real chances to enter chosen universities on state grants.

It became possible thanks to experienced teachers and special advanced program of the educational center with which Saby Foundation has been working successfully within the framework of “Educational Project” for several years already.

Certainly, it was difficult for school leavers throughout the academic year. Serious additional loading coupled with study in school did not allow to relax. As the saying is, “Learnt young, learnt fair”, almost 86% of school leavers, who attended all preparatory courses, passed CNT successfully!

New robotics classroom for Children's Day

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Education program
About the Saby Oqulary project

As part of its new project to promote children's literature in the Kazakh language "Saby oqulary", our foundation began cooperation with the well-known Almaty publishing house Steppe & World Publishing. It…

Education program
Saby oqulary project

Dear friends, colleagues and partners of the Saby Foundation! We are pleased to announce that on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of our foundation, we are launching a project to promote children's literature in the…

Education program