52 Cars at Invataxi Kazakhstan Car Fleet!

52 Cars at Invataxi Kazakhstan Car Fleet! When you are waiting for something, time goes so slowly. For a wheelchair-bound invalid, dreaming, perhaps, for the first time after many years of imprisonment in his/her own home, to leave his/her home and to make a trip round the city, to give a look at new buildings of already hardly familiar streets or to slightly touch withered but alive leaves, such expectation will become quite intolerable.

It takes long half a year from the date of signing of Invataxi Service Development Agreement in a populated locality till the receiving of cars granted by Saby Charitable Foundation. It will take precisely such period of time to purchase and re-equip cars at the plant in Germany where special hydraulic lifts are installed which release a person in a wheelchair, getting into the car, from the dangerous necessity of changing a seat.

Six months from the moment two Volkswagen Caddy cars were purchased for Almaty Society of Disabled People, at last passed. The cars passed customs clearance, formalities at the State Automobile Inspection and enlarged Kazakhstan specialized car fleet for disabled people established by our Foundation in 2008. Now there are already 52 invataxies functioning in 16 cities of the country.

This long-awaited event was realized thanks to the support of KazRosGas LLP which by its non-indifference and readiness to render assistance to people in need has repeatedly proved its social responsibility. Having entrusted funding amounts to Saby Charitable Foundation, KazRosGas LLP took part in the Project ‘Decent Life for Disabled People’ and gave many Kazakhstan people who, by a quirk of fate is bound to a wheelchair, the opportunity to feel freedom of movement.

Thank you, KazRosGas!


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