Poetical Contest – Acceptance of Application Forms Is Completed

Poetical Contest – Acceptance of Application Forms Is Completed Acceptance of application forms for the participation in the Third Poetical Contest in the state language of Alem Program is completed. We would like to mention that young talents were very active and sent to the address of referee a great number of letters with their works.

At the present time the selection of works, which will be admitted to the final, is started. On 1st of June the names of laureates will become known. The main expert of the competition, famous poet and writer Sultan Kali will express his opinion about the best participants and will give valuable advice to young talents on the pages of our website.

The aim of the poetical contest, organized by Saby Foundation, is the preservation of the Kazakh language and traditions of our nation, eduction and comprehensive support of talented and promising young people, attraction of attention of state, commercial and social institutions to this question.

We are very grateful to all participants for active living position, courage and singleness of purpose!


Results of the Tenth Poetry Contest

The results of the X jubilee poetry contest in a state language, organized by the Saby Charitable Foundation, are summed up.

Alem program for support of young talents
Results of the IX Poetry Contest

The ninth poetic contest in the state language of the Saby Charitable Foundation has been completed.

Alem program for support of young talents
The Poetry Contest 2019 continues

We are in a hurry to remind all young poets that the Saby Foundation continues receipt of applications for participation in the Poetry Contest 2019.

Alem program for support of young talents