Performance of “Alem” participant on TV (video)
Dear Friends!
We are very glad to offer you to hear the records of the “Alem” Programme participant – Zhasulan Sadykov’s performance at the Akim’s New Year Party in Astana and the Concert devoted to the International Women’s Day in Almaty. These two events were broadcasted on all the national TV-channels in Kazakhstan. The unique talent of a young man from Kostanai has been judged on its merits by very experienced and high-professional vocalists and musicians. Such a progress of a young star on the horizon of kazakhstani stage became possible due to the real support and assistance given by the Saby Charitable Foundation under its “Alem” Programme.
The results of the X jubilee poetry contest in a state language, organized by the Saby Charitable Foundation, are summed up.
The ninth poetic contest in the state language of the Saby Charitable Foundation has been completed.
We are in a hurry to remind all young poets that the Saby Foundation continues receipt of applications for participation in the Poetry Contest 2019.