‘Alem’ Program – Turnout of 2015

It seems only recently ‘Saby’ Foundation has launched ‘Alem’ Young Talents Support Program, and now the project is 5 years old.

The ‘Alem’ aims to promote talented young Kazakhstani children. Particular attention is paid to young people from remote locations. Aid offered by the Foundation is the most diverse: from organization of festivals and auditions to financing the participation in contests and competitions and payment of educational grants for any specialization.

How wide geography of ‘Alem’ Program is and how diverse the creative and professional interests of ‘Alem’ scholarship holders are, we will tell on the example of some alumni of this year.

‘Alem’ Program – Turnout of 2015 Assanova Shamshyrak from Uilskii district, Aktobe region, was among the first contestants, who won a grant from ‘Saby’ Foundation to study at ‘A. Zhubanov’ Musical College in Aktobe, specialty: dombyra, in 2011. Lately, a young dombra player obtained a diploma of secondary special education and now dreams to go to Almaty Conservatoire.

‘Alem’ Program – Turnout of 2015 Tlepbergenov Berik from Makhambetskii district, Atyrau region, dreamed of becoming a metallurgist. In 2011 he successfully entered ‘K.Satpaev’ Kazakh National Technical University to study on the state grant. ‘Saby’ Foundation granted him a monthly stipend of 20,000 tenge for the course of his studies. Finally, the cherished ‘sheepskin’ in his hands, at present Berik is thinking about a job placement.

‘Alem’ Program – Turnout of 2015 Adilbekova Nazerke from Eskeldinskii district, Almaty region, in the upper grades took a decision concerning her future profession. She was decided to become a philologist. Nazerke studied on a fee paid basis at Zhetysu State University, specialty ‘Kazakh Language and Literature’, when the misfortune happened in the family almost stopped her way to a dream. In this situation, an educational grant of ‘Alem’ Program became a ‘lifeline’ for the girl. And as a result, a brand new diploma of qualified specialist.

We wish the graduates every success and great achievements!

And we invite new contestants to try their luck in ‘Alem’ Program.


Results of the Tenth Poetry Contest

The results of the X jubilee poetry contest in a state language, organized by the Saby Charitable Foundation, are summed up.

Alem program for support of young talents
Results of the IX Poetry Contest

The ninth poetic contest in the state language of the Saby Charitable Foundation has been completed.

Alem program for support of young talents
The Poetry Contest 2019 continues

We are in a hurry to remind all young poets that the Saby Foundation continues receipt of applications for participation in the Poetry Contest 2019.

Alem program for support of young talents