“Alem”” participant’s exhibition opening”

"Alem" participant's exhibition opening Dear Friends,
We are glad to inform you that the Charitable Foundation “Saby” with the support of the Art Exhibition Directorate have organized a two-week exhibit of art works by Roman Kuznetsov, a young artist from Petropavlovsk – a participant of “Alem” Program to support young talents.

By age 9 the boy has made much progress. His paintings and crafts were displayed at different Municipal, Oblast, Republican and International Exhibitions and were very popular with the public. Letters of Gratitude and Merit Certificates as well as publishing Roman’s works on the pages of various Albums and Catalogues is a significant evidence of his real talent and high potential. On the opinion of experts Roman uses rather unique style of painting and makes a continuous progress in his works every year.

We invite you all to visit the Exhibition to be opened from July 29, 2011 till August 11, 2011 on the following address: Str. Zheltoksan, h. 137 corner of Str. Jambul. Working hours: from 10.00 till 18.00 every day except Sundays. Open to the Public.


Results of the Tenth Poetry Contest

The results of the X jubilee poetry contest in a state language, organized by the Saby Charitable Foundation, are summed up.

Alem program for support of young talents
Results of the IX Poetry Contest

The ninth poetic contest in the state language of the Saby Charitable Foundation has been completed.

Alem program for support of young talents
The Poetry Contest 2019 continues

We are in a hurry to remind all young poets that the Saby Foundation continues receipt of applications for participation in the Poetry Contest 2019.

Alem program for support of young talents