Achieve Success with Us!

Achieve Success with Us! Employees of [b]Saby Charitable Foundation continue their search of young and talented people in all regions of Kazakhstan with the aim to give a helping hand, when they need it so much, expecting university entrance. Within the framework of Alem Program talented young people are awarded with grants of the Foundation for education in the best educational institutions of the country as well as near and far abroad.

But the present is not simple; having studied and gained prestigious diploma young people should do their duty working for the benefit of people and our country.

On the eve of May holidays our employee visited South Kazakhstan region in search of new “Alem” Participants. As you know champions often become natives of villages and distant regions, those who are not afraid to be in smooth water to achieve success in life.

Pupils of several schools of Aksukent village and Shymkent city waited with impatience for the visit of a representative of the Foundation to show him/her their talents and to fill up the form, which, perhaps, will change their fortune and become a ticket to the world.

We would like to remark that after such meetings the number of participants of Alem Program is increased and completed with new names. We hope that this time our experts, having examined resume of children, will find among them dignified representatives of future Kazakhstan.



Results of the Tenth Poetry Contest

The results of the X jubilee poetry contest in a state language, organized by the Saby Charitable Foundation, are summed up.

Alem program for support of young talents
Results of the IX Poetry Contest

The ninth poetic contest in the state language of the Saby Charitable Foundation has been completed.

Alem program for support of young talents
The Poetry Contest 2019 continues

We are in a hurry to remind all young poets that the Saby Foundation continues receipt of applications for participation in the Poetry Contest 2019.

Alem program for support of young talents