Jorge Bucay’s Proverbs

Jorge Bucay’s Proverbs Today in ‘Wisdom of the Great’ column we would like to introduce to our readers the star of modern Argentine literature, famous psychologist and psychotherapist, Jorge Bucay. His books have been translated into 18 languages of the world; the total print exceeds 2 million of copies.

Latin –American writers say that daily you may meet in public transport, at least, two or three persons reading Doctor Bucay’s books absorbedly.

Critics remark: ‘This wisdom and, undoubtedly, optimistic writer has an apparent ability to say simply about complicated things. Reading of his books may be equaled to a trip to real psychotherapist.’

Jorge Bucay’s writings are notable for fascinating plot, humor and wisdom, they impress optimism and help people to live, love and understand themselves.


Jorge Bucay’s Proverbs A young man went to a sage for help.
“I come, teacher, because I feel so small that I have no strength to do anything. They tell me I’m good for nothing, that I don’t do anything right, that I’m clumsy and rather silly. How can I improve myself? What I can do that will make them think well of me?”
The teacher, without looking up, replied, “I’m sorry boy, but I can’t help you. I have to solve my own problem first. Maybe later.” But after a pause, he added, “If you would like to help me, I could solve this problem faster, and then maybe I can help you.”

Though delighted, the youth stammered to the teacher, feeling worthless as usual, his needs again subordinated.

“Well, then,” agreed the teacher. He took off a ring he was wearing on his little finger and gave it to the boy, saying, “Take the horse out there and ride to the market place. I have to sell this ring to pay a debt. We have to get as much for it as we possibly can, but don’t accept anything less than a gold coin. Go, and come back with the money as quickly as you can.”

The youth took the ring and left. As soon as he got there, he started offering the ring to the traders. They looked at it with some interest, until the youth said what he wanted for the ring. When the young man mentioned gold, some laughed and others turned away, and only an old man was kind enough to take the trouble to explain that a gold coin was too much to pay for a ring. Eager to help, someone offered him a silver coin and a few coppers, but the youth had been instructed to accept nothing less than a gold coin and rejected the offer.

After offering his jewel to every person passing through the market place, over a hundred people, and dejected by his failure, he mounted his horse and rode back.

How much the youth wished that he had a gold coin himself that he could give the teacher and release him from his worry, and then receive his advice and help.

He entered the room and told the teacher, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t get what you asked. Maybe I could’ve gotten two or three silver coins, but I don’t think I could’ve convinced anyone of the true value of the ring.”

“How important is what you just said, my young friend” responded the teacher, smiling. “We must first find out the true value of the ring. Get yourself together and go to the jeweler. Who better than he to tell us? Tell him you would like to sell the ring, and ask him how much he’d give you for it, but no matter what he offers, don’t sell it. Come back here with my ring.”

The young man rode back. The jeweler examined the ring by lamplight with his magnifying glass, weighed it, and then said, “Tell the teacher, boy, that if he wants to sell it right now, I can’t give him more than 58 gold coins for his ring.

58 COINS !!!!!!!!! cried the youth.

“Yes,” replied the jeweler, “If he had more time, he could probably find a buyer at 70 coins. Otherwise….”

The excited youth hurried back to the teacher’s house to tell him what happened.

“Sit down,” said the teacher after listening to him. “You are like this ring: a worthy and unique jewel. The only person who can understand your true worth is an expert. Why do you go around expecting that anyone you meet on the street knows your true worth?” So saying, he put the ring back on his little finger.

Be a Freesia

Jorge Bucay’s Proverbs A king went to his garden and discovered that his trees, bushes and flowers were dying. The Oak told him that it was dying because it could not be as tall as the Pine. Getting back to the Pine, he found it drooping because it could not produce grapes as the grapevine. The Grapevine was dying, because it could not bloom as a Rose. The Rose was crying because it could not be as tall and solid as the Oak. Then he found a plant, a Freesia, in bloom and as fresh as ever.

The king asked:
– How is it that you grow healthily in the midst of this withered and gloomy garden?
– I don’t know. Maybe because I always assumed that when you planted me, you wanted freesias. If you would have wanted an Oak or a Rose, you would have planted those. At that moment, I told myself: “I will try to be a Freesia the best way I can””.

Now it is your turn. You are here to contribute with your fragrance. Simply look at yourself. There is no possibility that you can be another person. You can either enjoy being you and grow watered by your own love for yourself, or wither condemned by your own sentence…


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