A Generous Man Will Prosper

A Generous Man Will Prosper Year by year, the field of activity of Saby Charitable Foundation increases, the projects aimed to improve social level become more ambitious. But no matter how grand our plans are, their realization will be possible only with the participation of not indifferent people.

We sincerely thank all philanthropes, companies and individuals who chose Saby Foundation among other foundations and entrusted their money, having highly estimated our labor by that! Your hearts are full of kindness and care, and despite a fast pace of life and daily routine, you give a part of yourselves to those who really need it.

In our world time shortage is a great problem. In some way it is compensated by immediate services. Now, you can make charity donations as easily and immediately as pay for mobile services. In any trade house, shop, petrol station or even at a bus stop you can find a QIWI payment terminal where through Donation interface you can transfer money to Saby Foundation’s account just by pressing the yellow amulet button.

Why to choose us?

Saby Charitable Foundation’s policy in work is transparency and openness. For over 10 years of our activity in all regions of Kazakhstan, 231,000 children and adult people with grave diseases, 40,000 disabled people and 7,000 orphaned children were given support.
28,000 people annually and 80 people daily constantly receive your support!

Every single tenge has importance!


By Rendering of Assistance – You Enlighten Your Way

John Rockefeller, the richest person in the world, said: “Help people not for the remuneration in money but in all honesty. Give 10% of your profit f…

Charity that All Can Afford

Any good deed that you do with all heart and soul brings you a feeling of pleasure and joy. Thus, you let something light and good enter your…

With thanks, your Saby Fund

Peer at figures of daily report on receipts to current account of donations from benefactors, we begin to think constantly that one man allowed…
