Cushioned Aid to the Children’s House
We must admit that small charitable acts are not held by our Foundation very often. As a rule we work in projects designed and approved beforehand. But if there is the opportunity, even if it’s small, to improve the life of our fosterlings, we never miss it.
Thus with the participation of Merkuriy 1999 LLP our old-sponsored Children’s House of Karakastek village of Zhambyl region of Almaty province received as a present two king-size sets of Italian cushioned furniture for 30 persons. And the half-round sofas can probably accommodate all the kids.
Social service officers not spoilt by generosity of sponsors accepted the present with gratitude. Besides there is always a lack of furniture in the premise.
Now the halls where older children watch TV programs and which were empty before as well as the rooms for meeting of children with parents will be furnished with large cozy sofas, parts of which can be interchanged allowing to create a new comfortable space.
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