“Saby” Foundation has received a prestigious award”
The “Energy Summit 2011″” organized by the European Business Assembly and held in London at the beginning of March has become an extraordinary event for our Foundation. At the annual International Socratic Ceremony being integral part of the Summit the “Saby” Foundation was awarded a honorary award of Queen Victoria (“Queen Victoria Commemorative Medal”) – an exclusive British prize for the honor, dignity and courage, which has taken a special place in the treasury of the “Saby” Foundation.
“”The award named after Queen Victoria has certainly become a great achievement for us, since the international recognition marks the beginning of a new stage in the work of our organization””, – A.I. Tasmagambetova, the President of the Foundation commented on the awarding.
We express our deep gratitude for the appreciation of the European Business Assembly of our activities in the field of philanthropy and we will continue to promote enthusiastically the idea of social welfare and humanization of the modern society.