High estimate of the Foundation’s works is an indicator of a right policy
The end of the year is a traditional period for summing up: it is a period of analysis of the work performed, estimation of success and statement of failures. In addition, on the threshold of New Year’s holidays the “Saby” Foundation reviews in details its annual activity. A lot of things have been made:
Successful realization of the Project “Decent life for disabled persons” started in 2008 and continued actively in this year, has allowed thousands of people with disabilities from various regions of our country to feel freedom of movement. Annual work on social integration of leavers from social child-care centres has been added with new directions: psychological trainings for children and preparation for the Unified National Test in the tutorial center.
A medical direction has also been marked by several serious stages in our work with sponsored medical institutions. In addition three large objects have been constructed under the Sports Project: a sports ground and two children’s playgrounds. Besides, new projects have been started: “Alem” – a programme for support of young talents, and construction of a new modern building for a child care center in Kyzylorda.
It is pleasant that multidirectional activity of the “Saby” Foundation has been appreciated highly with awards given to the Foundation this year: Annual Award “Asyl Alma” of the Almaty Akimat in the nomination “For contribution to fight against socially significant diseases” for the Project “Decent life for disabled persons”, Annual public award “ZhanShuak”of the Disabled Persons Confederation of Kazakhstan in the nomination “Accessible Transport” for development of the “Invataxi” service in all regions of Kazakhstan, and the most important and significant award – Award of the Capital Akim for civil responsibility in supporting the most vulnerable population layers. These awards evidence correctness of the corporate policy of our organization and chosen directions of our activity.