Report on work during a pandemic

During the pandemic, the Saby Foundation did a lot to combat the spread of the coronavirus. We bring to your attention a video report on the work performed.

Unfortunately, our Foundation, like any other charitable organization, does not have any privileges in its activities, for example, exemptions from tax payments, discounts from customs duties or transport subsidies from the state. If we had such preferences, we are sure that our work would be even more effective and efficient. And the funds that we are forced to use for related expenses could go for their direct intended purpose.


Medical equipment for Semey

We hasten to inform you that the Saby Foundation purchased and donated a set for pediatric bronchoscopy with a fiber-optic bronchoscope for the…

Medical Project
Medical equipment for Petropavlovsk

We used all the proceeds to purchase high-tech medical equipment to equip the surgical departments opened by the Saby Foundation as part of the…

Medical Project
Master class for Kazakhstani doctors

The Saby Foundation adheres to the principle of consistency in its activities, developing ongoing projects in all directions. Therefore, after the…

Medical Project