Recently 15 foster children from the regional orphanage №1 who had been awarded with the vacation package for the win in open football championship a…
Probable every one of us has repeatedly got into a situation when sorting out their clothes to find quite nice items you for some reason do not wear…
State Child Library Named after S. Begalin is the old friend of Saby Foundation. The whole activity of the library is targeted for the benefit of…
Recently foster children of Boarding School #1 of Almaty city, who attend carpenter hobby group, were gifted by our Foundation with perforating…
Population of our multinational country celebrates all kinds of holidays with great relish. Besides state and religious holidays Kazakhstan people…
We must admit that small charitable acts are not held by our Foundation very often. As a rule we work in projects designed and approved beforehand.…
Recently we had a children’s matinee at the “Shymbulak” Children's Tuberculosis Sanatorium where the Father Frost gave its numerous gifts to all – tw…
Even the most qualitative overhaul carried out according to the up-to-date standards claims attention after a lapse of a certain time. Moreover, if…
Recently our sponsoring friends transferred Kazakh national holiday costumes for adults and children as well as musketeer costumes to the Foundation.